Thanksful Thursday-Wetness

you did not read Tuesdays post thenyou don’t know that we had a bit of a
tragedy when we returned home from being a away for two weeks on
vacation. We had a flood the last week we were gone. Not just a small
flood eithr….Our automatic Ice maker in our freezer has a flexi tube
that runs into the floor behind the fridge. Apparently due to Vibration
it rubbed a hole right into the flexi tube and we had a CONSTANT stream
of water for who knows how long. So there was an inch and a half of
water in the kitchen and most of the water had run down through the
floor/ basement ceilieng…Soaked the basement floor , bubbled brand new
4 month old paint on the walls, broke some drop tiles in the basement
bathroon and the floor literally squished when you walked on it! Not
to mention the musty smell that ad over taken the whole house! But
through all of this I have fuound quite a few things to be thankful for:
So here they are in no particular order

  • Hubby wasn’t away by himself when it happened and I was left home alone to deal with all the mess
  • it wasn’t a fire! What a tragedy that would have been to get a
    call or come home to no house or any of our stuff which leads me to..
  • we only lost one thing and we were trying to decided whether or not to get ride of it anyway!
  • It wasn’t that wya for the two full weeks…we would have had serious mold problem and much much more work to do on the house
  • that the carpets are mostly dry now in the basement and all the wet in the ceiling has been removed
  • That it wasn’t sewage in our basement…two pastors ago a problem
    with town sewer caused sewage to back up into the parsonage and well it
    wasn’t pretty and the pastor’s family had to vacate the house for a
    while since the smell was so bad!
  • No one was hurt
  • it’s an easy fix

So what makes you thankful?