Thankful Thursday-3/10/2011

I have two big things that I am thankful for this week.  Not to say that I am limited to just these two because I am very thankful for so many many things BUT these two things are big for this week!

#1 is Medical technology-technology that helps us to figure out things and how to make life better BUT there will be more on that at a later date.


#2 AWANA- even though I am the pastor’s wife I determined about a year ago that there are times when you just plain and simple have top say NO….I felt like I was spinning out of control.   .  So my sanity I chose to say No more….I have not regretted it since though I will say that I  am a substitute for Cubbies and I have done so gladly a few times.   But during that time I have become a new woman.  renewed and refreshed.  the time is for me. even thoughI still have my little Bean here at home he is in bed the whole time.  It is amazing what two and a half hours of total peace and quite can do for a mom!!!  It really does make me a better mom, wife, and pastor’s wife!

So what are you thankful for this Thursday?